A Mandala is a circular art form that is intended to engage the creator in meditation and mindfulness while representing the idea of wholeness.
Mandalas originated in Buddhism and are traditionally created by Monks using sand.
When the Mandala is complete, it is swept away either by the elements of nature, or the artist
Mandalas are all about being present in the moment and understanding that everything changes and disappears.
For this sketchbook activity we are going to borrow the shape and organization of traditional Mandalas as well as the idea of setting an intention for the creation of a mandala.
Our Mandala will represent goals we have for ourselves along with reflecting on habits, thoughts, and things that are helpful or hurtful in achieving those goals.
Open your sketchbook so that you have 2 pages of drawing paper, one on each side of the spine
Draw, or trace a circle in the middle of the spine so that one half of the circle is on one page and the other half is on the other page.
Start by reflecting and writing about things that you want to leave behind and things you want to keep/achieve.
The left side will represent things you want to leave behind
The right side will represent things you want to achieve or carry with you
Add another ring to your mandala,
The center circle will represent things close to you and in your control,
outer ring will represent things you may want but are not completely in your control.

Brainstorm symbols, images, and colors you could use to represent those ideas
Use those symbols, images, and colors to begin arranging elements within your Mandala circles.
Use any art media you have to color and add to your Mandala.
We would love to see your artwork from today, please tag us @CreativeOutletsArtsCenter on Instagram and use #CreativeOutletsAC#COAC#COACJournal when posting!